Who we are and information about our history.

PIKiosk 900 hardware and technical specifications.

The nitty gritty on what the PIKiosk 900 can really do.

A list of PIKinc's distinguished clientel.

A virtual tour of the PIKiosk 900, lots of menus and pictures.

Contact us - Write, call, email, or just drop by if your in the neighborhood!.

Reserved for PIKinc. staff.
Welcome to the PIKinc. website.

By placing it in under serviced remote locations, the Public Information Kiosk, or "PIKiosk" for short, allows libraries to extend their presence far beyond any physical walls. Effectivly leveling the playing field between the "information haves" and the "information have nots".

Framed in a sturdy steel cabinet, the PIKiosk offers a plethora of features designed to provide all manner of information in an intuitive touch screen format. Users need not be computer nor library literate to take advantage of the PIKiosk's advanced data delivery systems.

We think you'll be delighted by what the PIKiosk is capable of doing for your library and it's patrons. Feel free to browse through our web site and review the PIKiosk in more detail. Or Contact our sales department directly for more information.

The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.
The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.
The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.The PIKiosk 900, your prayers are answered.

The ALL NEW PIKiosk 900
Contact our sales department for details.
